What is the duration of the residence permit & can it be renewed?
Five (5) years. Yes, it is renewed for another 5 years each time, provided that the applicant still owns the property.
May the members of the investor’s family request a residence permit?
Yes. Members of the family are considered the spouse (husband/wife), the children, the investor’s parents and the spouse’s parents. They may request individual residence permits. They shall, however, submit separate applications. Their permit expires on the same date as the investor’s does.
What if a legal entity is interested in buying property in Greece?
The applicant can buy Article 20B, paragraph 1, point (c), Law 4251/2014, provides that a third country national who has the full ownership, possession and occupancy of real estate property in Greece through a legal entity, the entirety of whose stocks or corporate shares are fully owned by the applicant, has the right to apply for the "permanent residence permit for investors".
If I get a residence permit, can I add the period of its duration to the total duration needed in order to request the Greek nationality & passport?
Yes, you can. According to Article 8, paragraph 30, Law 4332/2015, a third country citizen has the right to apply for the long-term resident status, provided he fulfils the conditions of Articles 89 and 90, Law 4251/2014. Having been granted the long-term residence status is a prerequisite in order to apply for Greek citizenship by naturalization, provided all other requirements are fulfilled.
Do persons holding a residence permit have the right to work in Greece?
No, they do not. This residence permit does not give right to access to any type of employment, according to, Article 20, paragraph 6, Law 4251/2014. Employment in this case does not include the exercise of economic activity in the capacity of a shareholder or Chief Executive Officer of companies established before your application for this residence permit. This exemption for economic activity refers to third country citizens who are shareholders or managers of all forms of capital companies (S.A., Ltd, Private limited companies). The family members that have been granted this residence permit have also restricted access to employment.
I would like to request a residence permit. Should I get an entry visa for Greece before I submit my application for the residence permit?
Only if you come from a country, whose citizens are required to get an entry visa in order to come to Greece.
What advantages does a residence permit in Greece provide to its holder?
He/she may stay continuously in Greece for its whole duration. He/she may travel to other Schengen countries without a visa, but his/her stay in those countries cannot exceed 90 days in each 6-month period. He/she has access to health or education services, just like any Greek citizen.
How long can it take until the residence permit is issued?
It is usually issued within 2 months from the day on which the complete application was submitted or arrived at the Decentralized Administration.
Is the applicant covered from the moment he/she submitted the application until the day the residence permit is issued?
Yes. If all the supporting documents are submitted, a proof of submission is issued. If an application for a residence permit is submitted for the first time, this proof of submission is issued, and you can proceed to book an appointment with the Office in order to provide fingerprints. When the fingerprints are given, the application is considered complete and the process for the permanent residence permit begins. If the applicant is in Greece the day the application is submitted, he/she can come to the Office and provide fingerprints on the same day.